Data Measurement Plan

Professional communications data strategy

Process: The first step in any data measurement strategy is to identify the set objectives. In this case with the theoretical company Caraway Foods, I identified those as increasing brand awareness and growing customer basis. I then identified potential key results that would deem the objectives successful. To put together a more compelling story to why the data should be looked at; I identified and explained the five steps of the customer journey. 

To design this plan, I used Adobe InDesign. I designed the original document as a long poster to keep the viewer intrigued and for accessible scrolling. That being said, my designs can be easily adapted to other formats and sizes. I chose colours that worked together with similar hues but were different enough to easily separate each step. I kept the language simple and clear to ensure the company felt it was accessible and helpful once presented and handed over to them.

Challenge: This data measurement strategy plan was vital to effectively identify which measurement framework would fit best to measure the success of a certain marketing campaign. Created for a data communications course, this plan focused on the current OKR measurement strategy that focuses on clear key results from clear set objectives.

Results: When talking about data, I have learned the best results come from clear design and simple language.